In order to get an overview over the current commercial space environment in Germany NewSpaceVision collected data about existing space companies.

The resulting file can be viewed here. It shows the Names, Areas of Expertise, Locations and Websites of existing (New)Space companies in Germany.

We are happy to hear about any addition or change to our list. If you are aware of any other space companies existing or of any faulty information we are happy to be contacted via

NameField of WorkCityFoundedWebsite
3D RealityMaps GmbHRemote Sensing Data: Maps/TourismMünchen2009
Advanced Space Power Equipment GmbHHardware: DC/DC converters, Instrument Power Units (IPU), Power Control and Distribution Units (PCDU), Electronic Power Conditioner (EPC) as well as Propulsion Power Units (PPU) according to ECSS StandardsSalem2003
AED-SICAD GmbHGIS application company, geo-information systems for the key segments utilities, cadastre  and land managementBonn1978
AI: Aerospace Innovation GmbHhigh-technology solutions and applications for the national and European aerospace Industry and related agencies DLR and ESABerlin2007
Airbus Space and DefenceHardwareOttobrunn1970
APCON AeroSpace & Defence GmbH Hardware: power suppliesNeubiberg1995
Ariane Group GmbHHardware: PropulsionLampoldshausen1963
ARQUIMEA DEUTSCHLAND GmbHHardware: microelectronics design and test services, mainly for Aerospace applicationsFrankfurt (Oder)2013
AST Advanced Space Technologies GmbHHardware: flow control components for space applicationsOsterholz-Scharmbeck2010
ASTELCO Systems GmbHHardware: TelescopesPlanegg2004
Astos Solutions GmbHSoftware and test equipment for spaceStuttgart2006
Astro- und Feinwerktechnik Adlershof GmbHHardwareBerlin1993
Astronautin GmbHWant to bring (German) women into spaceBremen2017
Azimut Space thermo-mechanical engineering and in the development of payloads and subsystemsBerlin2007
AZO Anwendungszentrum Oberpfaffenhofen networking and brandingGilching2004
Baader Planetarium GmbHHardware: Groundstations for optical observatoriesMammendorf1966
Bake in Spacecrum free bread production for ISSBerlin2017
Bayern-Chemie GmbHHardware: Chemical propulsionAschau am Inn1969
Be Space GmbHSattelite operation management, space project management, education and traningBerlin2014
BERGER Lichttechnik GmbH & Co. KGSun ray simulationsPullach2001
Berlin Space TechnologiesSattelite earth observationBerlin2009
Black Engine AerospaceChemical Rocket EnginesHeilbronn2018
Blue Sky SolutionsEngineering, launch and qualification servicesBerlin2009
Brockmann Consult GmbHEarth Observation ApplicationsHamburg2002
CAM Space GmbH (CAM Systems Consuting GmbH)Partner und Berater für Unternehmen der Luft-und RaumfahrtMünchen1986
Cloudeo AGGeo Data München2012
Con terra GmbHEarth Observation ApplicationsMünster1993
ConstellRSurface temperature monitoringMünchen2019
CS GmbH IT Service Company specialized in space ground segment activitiesDarmstadt2011
Deep Blue GlobeMaretime surveillance and naviagtionDarmstadt2018
DELPHI InformationsMusterManagement GmbHEarth Observation Applications: services  for geoinformation in the metropolitan area of Berlin/BrandenburgPotsdam1997
Design & Data GmbHPR company specialized in Aerospace sectorKölln2011
DLR Gesellschaft für Raumfahrtanwendungen (GfR) mbHServices in Communication, Navigation, Surveillance; CNS; (surveillance of Galileo constellation)Weßling2008
Drift Noise GmbHEarth Observation Applications: Polar Ice Bremen 2014
DSI Aerospace Technologie GbHHardwareBremen1997
Earth Observation Services GmbHEarth Observation Applications: Forest and wildfire management, bodies of water, resource depletionJena2012
EFTAS Remote Sensing Transfer of TechnologyGeoinformation and IT-ServicesMünster1988
EOMAP GmbH & Co. KGMaritime Earth ObservationSeefeld2006
EPAK GmbHHardware: Antennas for connectivityLeipzig2000
ESC AerospaceHardware & Software: on-board flight software and instruments, on-board
computers and GNC/AOCS products for unmanned systems, electrical
ground support equipment (EGSE) and data processing software for
complex space projects
Esri Deutschland GmbHEarth Observation: Geo data applicationsKranzberg2009
Etamax Space GmbHSecurity of Systems and SoftwareBraunschweig1997
European Space ImagingSattelite Image supplierMünchen2002
Exolaunchlaunch services, mission management and deployment system provider for small satellitesBerlin2008
G&F Geoinformationssysteme & FernerkundungEarth Observation Applications:  Geographische Informationssysteme (GIS), Fernerkundung, Kartographie, Navigationssysteme und 3D-ModellierungFeldafing2004
GAF AGEarth ObservationMünchen1985
Geocledian GmbHspecialized in designing and providing geospatial cloud servicesLandshut2013
GEOsat GmbHSatellite geodesy and GNSS hardwareMüllheim an der Ruhr1985
Geosystems GmbHRemote Sensing Data ApplicationsGermering1989
German Orbital Systemslaunches Cube SattelitesBerlin2014
GMV Insyen AGConsulting, Design and Development: Human Space Flight and Satellite Operations
Greenspin GmbHSattelite data applications for agricultural sectorWürzburg2013
GTD GmbHOn-Board SoftwareMarkdorf2012
HE Space Operations GmbHHR (Personalvermittlung) specifically for space industryBremen1982
High Performance Space Structure Systems GmbHHardware: mechanical/thermal space subsystemsMünchen2000
Hisatec GmbHHardware: Satellitentechnik und AntennentechnikErkner2013
Hoerner & Sulger GmbHHardwareSchwetzingen1971
HyImpulse Technologies GmbHHardware: Hybrid propulsion systemNeuenstadt am Kocher2018
IB Berkant Göksel ElectrofluidsystemsHardware: developing aircrafts and lighter-than-air vehicles with novel plasma systems for active flow control, propulsion, exhaust after-treatment, heat and radiation shielding for the aerospace and near-space marketBerlin2012
iBoss GmbHSattelite Aachen2017
ICARUS Global Observation System GmbHEarth Observation Applications: Wildtiertelemetrie und das Beobachten von kleinen Objekten aus dem WeltraumImmenstaad2016
Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft mbHEarth Observation Data ApplicationsOttobrunn1961
InnoflairSoftware developer specialized in Space IndustryDarmstadt2014
Interstellar VenturesAcceleratorBerlin2018
INVENT GmbHHardwareBraunschweig1996
IQ Wireless GmbHdevelops and markets procedures, equipment and systems for satellite communication (IQ spacecom) and optical sensors for environmental protection (IQ FireWatch).Berlin1999
Isar Aerospacedevelops rockets for small to medium sattelite launchesGilching2018
Jena-Optronik GmbHHardware partsJena1991
Kampf Telescope Optics GmbHHardware: optical systems and subsystemsMünchen2014
KLEO Connect GmbHSattelite-based communication servicesMünchen2017
Large Space Stuctures GmbHcreation of large deployable space reflectors and other large space lightweight structures, as well as in-orbit mechanically reconfigurable reflectorsEching2012
Levity Space SystemsSpacecraft to launch microsattelitesAachen2017
LiveEOSattelite Date applications: Infrastructure monitoringBerlin2017
LSE Space GmbHSpace Consulatncy supporting satellite and manned missionsWessling1990
LUP – Luftbild Umwelt Planung GmbHEarth Obyervation data Applications for environmental causesPotsdam1996
Luratec AGHardware: bau von satelliten sowie der titan- und ariane 5-raketeRostock2005
Magson GmbHHardware: magnetic field measurement instruments for space applicationsBerlin1991
MAP-CONEarth Observation Map ApplicationsTrebsen OT Altenhain2014
MapTailor Geospatial Consulting GbREarth Observation consulting and services specialized in development (political)Bonn2016
Melchionna – Remote SensingEarth Observation ApplicationsBremen2016
Morpheus SpaceSpacecraft Electric Propulsion SystemsDresden2018
MT AerospaceHardwareAugsburg2005
MT Mechatronics GmbHHardware: communication and deep space antennas, radio and optical telescopes, mechatronic equipment for research institutions, launching facilities for the European space programMainz2006
Mundialis GmbH & Co. KGevaluation of remote sensing data and the processing of voluminous geodataBonn2015
Mynariclaser communication Gilching2009
NAVAMA Technology for NatureEarth Observation Applications: Environmental causesMünchen2011
navXperience GmbHHardware: navigation and location technology Berlin2009
ND SatCom GmbHHardware: Sattelite telecommunicationImmenstaad2000
Neutron Star Systems USHardware: Electric propulsionKö
NTP Ingenieure GmbH & Co.KGHarware Development: Satellite Antennas Neubiberg2004
Okapi: Orbits GmbHCollision Avoidance Software for satellitesBrunswick2019
Orbital Recycling Space Debris RecyclingBerlin2018
OroraTechSattelite Data applications: information for wildfire detection and mapping, severe weather forecastingMünchen2018
Outdooractive GmbHTourism services and maps based on remote sensing Geo dataImmenstaad2008
Philotech Systementwicklung und Software GmbHEngineering, Software Development and ConsultingTaufkirchen1987
PI Integral Solutions LimitedService: Consultation for engineering problems in the aerospace industryKöln2009
Planetprovider of global satellite imagery dataBerlin2010
Planetary Transportation Systems Hardware: Lunar rover and moon transportation landing systemBerlin2010
Point Cloud Technology GmbHSattelite Data Applications: Big Data Analytics PlatformPotsdam2015
Rasdaman GmbHEarth Observation: Big Data Software Bremen2003
Remote Sensing Solutions GmbHEarth Observation ApplicationsMünchen1999
Rocket Factory Augsburglaunch service for small satellites to spaceAugsburg2018
Rohde & Schwarz INRADIOS GmbHHardware & Software: Satellite communicationsDresden2010
SAT4M2MData connectivity providerMünchen2014
Smart Small Satellite Systems GmbHPico-SatellitesWürzburg2017
Solenix Deutschland GmbHengineering and consulting services in the space marketDarmstadt2007
Sonaca Space GmbH (jetzt Azimut Space)design, development, manufacturing, assembly, testing and qualification of space flight structures, thermal systems and MGSEBerlin2007
SPACE IC GmbHHardware: ITAR/EAR-free high reliability IC products for harsh environmentsHannover2014
Space OrigamiGrow DNA origamis in spaceMünchen2018
Space Products and Innovation UGHardware: introducing existing technologies from non-space industries to the space sector & building a universal adapter that applies the plug and play concept to satellite manufacturing and sub-system integration. Darmstadt2015
Space Structures GmbHMetal & Composite Structures, Bolt Analysis Software, MGSEBerlin2011
Spaceopal GmbHprime service operations contractor for the European Galileo Satellite Navigation System and manages all Galileo Service OperationsMünchen2009
SpaceTec PartnersConsultingMünchen2007
SpaceTech GmbHHardware and services: development, delivery and integration of various payloads, solar panels, deployment mechanisms and hole solar arrays for satellitesImmenstaad2004
Spatial Business Integration GmbHEarth Observation Applications in AgricultureDarmstadt2004
ST Analytics GmbHanalysis, consulting, and project management in the fields of space technology, rocketryMünchen2015
STT-SystemTechnik GmbHHardware: RF-Communication Equipments and Systems, Antennas, Telecommand and Telemetry Equipments and SensorsMünchen1995
Tama Group GmbHEarth Observation:  entwickeln und vermarkten Methoden und Werkzeuge der Erdbeobachtung, basierend auf der Fernerkundungsplattform eCognition; sind Value Adder und Reseller von eCognitionMartinsried2015
Teleorbit GmbHSattelitennavigationNürnberg2001
Telespazio VEGA Deutschland GmbHIT and engineering solutions & servicesGilching1978
Tesat-Spacecom GmbH & Co. KGHardware: Sattelite telecommunicationBacknang2001
Thales Alenia Space Deutschland GmbHHardwareDitzingen2011
ThingsOnAir GmbHSatellite Navigation subsystemWiesbaden2014
TRENZ GmbHEarth Observation Applications: Maritime navigation and observationBremen2000
tukom GmbHHardware & SoftwareSchondorf2006
Vertex Antennentechnik GmbHHardware: AntennasDuisburg1992
VisionSpace TechnologiesSatellite and ground station monitoringDarmstadt2012
VISTA Geowissenschaftliche Fernerkundung GmbHEarth Observation Applications dor hydrology and agricultureMünchen1995
WGS Workgroup Solutions GmbHengineering and consulting services to European companies and institutions in the space sectorDarmstadt2013
Work Microwave GmbHSattelite Communication & Naviagtion simulationsHolzkirchen1986
WxFUSION GmbHEarth Observation Applications: Weather DataGilching2012
Yuri GmbHservices related to microgravityMeckenbeuren2019

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